Enamel erosion is a general term used to describe tooth enamel that has been compromised by poor oral hygiene or the regular consumption of acidic foods and beverages. As these things deplete the mineral density of your teeth, it allows pores and other microscopic textures to form in tooth enamel. As this happens, your chances of developing tooth sensitivity and tooth decay increase.
Increased exposure to fluoride helps restore some of the mineral density to your tooth enamel. This process of remineralization helps reduce pores in tooth enamel. This can reduce tooth sensitivity symptoms and make it harder for bacteria to exploit your teeth.
During your routine dental checkup at The Bartlett Dental Station, Dr. Mark Prosniewski will monitor the health of your teeth and gums. If he notices signs of enamel erosion on your teeth, he can help develop an effective treatment plan.
This often includes a basic fluoride treatment that can be administered immediately following your checkup. Your dentist might also prescribe daily fluoride supplements. These often come in the form of a fluoride concentrated toothpaste or mouthrinse. You can then use these each day in the comfort of your own home.
You might also want to reevaluate your food and beverage choices. Limiting acid exposure on a daily basis can help maximize the benefits of fluoride and maintain the integrity of your tooth enamel.
If you’re concerned about the health of your teeth and you’re interested in a fluoride treatment in Bartlett, Illinois, you should call 630-837-2779 to schedule a checkup at The Bartlett Dental Station.